Drei Leben einer Dame

von am 12. März 2013 in 6. Mannschaft, BMM, SFB6 Saison 2012/13, Teams

Drei Leben einer Dame

SF Berlin 1903 6   -   SV Königs­jäger Süd-West 4      4,0 : 4,0

When we were kids one who promoted a pawn to Queen would grab a Rook and put it upside down as the new Queen, if he still had his Queen.

In compe­titive chess where most games are decided by tiny advantage, exchange at the most - promoting a Queen is rarely seen.

With almost all games finished - I just grabbed the Queen from the nearby board and gave it to the captain Kurt Schlaeppi, who promoted a pawn - and with that act promoted the 6th team to the higher level of compe­tition - Staffel Klasse 2. The same Queen which already had her second life in the chessmen of Königs­jäger R.Kramer in the game against your reporter.

As Schulz clinched draw on the 8th board, in spite being 2 pawns down with both players in Zeitnot, match draw 1-point assured for the 6th team 2nd place, one round before the end of 1213 Season.

Here are the results and ranking table:

Klasse 3.2 1213

SF Berlin 1903 6 SV Königsjäger Süd-West 4 4,0 : 4,0
602 Thomas Berg        401 Peter Oesterreich ½:½
604 Eberhard Mumme     402 Adrian Benedetto  ½:½
605 Rainer Dambach     403 Werner Göhringer  1:0
606 Kurt Schlaeppi     404 Hellmut Klevenow  1:0
607 Rolf Schmidt       405 Rudolf Wuttke     ½:½
610 Johannes Winkler   406 Joachim Rießbeck  0:1
611 Dalibor Milenkovic 408 Ralf Kramer       0:1
615 Jörg Schulz        504 Lars Petzold      ½:½

Rank Team                 Matches + = - M.Pts G.Pts
1 SV Königsjäger Süd-West 4     7 6 1 0 13 39.5
2 SF Berlin 1903 6              7 5 2 0 12 35.5

3 SC Kreuzberg 10               7 3 3 1  9 32.5
4 BSC Rehberge 1945 3           7 3 1 3  7 27,0
5 SK Dragojle Babic 2           7 3 1 3  7 25,0
6 SK König Tegel 1949 6         7 3 0 4  6 26.5
7 SF Nord-Ost Berlin 5          7 1 2 4  4 25,0
8 SG Treptow-Baumschulweg 5     7 2 0 5  4 22,0

9 SC Schwarz-Weiß Lichtenrade 4 8 0 2 6  2 20,0

The featured game mentioned in the intro­duction: Kurt Schlaeppi vs. Hellmut Klevenow 1:0
started as the long positional „Queen’s Gambit Declined Slav defence“ exposé - only to end in rich combi­na­torial possi­bi­lities, where Königs­jäger H.Klevenow overesti­mated his hand and lost to two Queens of Schach­freund-Berlin K.Schlaeppi.


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