6th Team Steady Streak of Wins

von am 1. Februar 2013 in 6. Mannschaft, SFB6 Saison 2012/13, Teams

6th Team Steady Streak of Wins
The stalwart player of the 6th team Rainer Dambach (+4 =0 -1) (left) writes down the move in his winning game against Tegel’s Schäfer. Kibitzing (L to R) R.Schmidt, K.Schläppi, T.Fuchs. (Photo D.M.)

BMM Klasse 3.2 1213
Round 6 on 27/01/2013
SF Berlin 1903 6 - SK König Tegel 1949 6      5.5 : 2.5

The crew of old sports Thomas Berg, Rainer Dambach, Eberhard Mumme, Rolf Schmidt, Thomas Fuchs and others under clever guidance of captain Kurt Schläppi, who modestly takes 4th board, won the home match against one of the strong compe­titors for the first two places.

SF Berlin 1903 6	SK König Tegel 1949 6	5.5 : 2.5
602	Thomas Berg		602	Mike Gall		½:½
604	Eberhard Mumme		603	Dieter Rosenzweig	1:0
605	Rainer Dambach		604	Robert Schäfer		1:0
606	Kurt Schläppi		605	Axel Kasper		½:½
607	Rolf Schmidt		607	Daniel Mance		1:0
610	Johannes Winkler	608	Stefan Riemichen	0:1
611	Dalibor Milenkovic	610	Sven-Holger Kröner	½:½
614	Thomas Fuchs		611	Maximilian Kröner	1:0

All BMM results and statistics are available here:

In remaining 3 rounds of 2013 6th team stands a very good chance to qualify for the higher rank of BMM (see the results table, upper part)

Rank	Team				Matches	+   =   -	M.Pts	G.Pts
1	SV Königsjäger Süd-West 4	5	5   0   0	10	28.5
2	SF Berlin 1903 6		5	4   1   0	9	26.0
3	SC Kreuzberg 10			6	2   3   1	7	26.0
4	SK König Tegel 1949 6		5	3   0   2	6	20.0

Your team is too strong“ I was told by one opponent player. And indeed the 6th team is rated in average 1700 DWZ while the core team is around 1850 DWZ.

But rating doesn’t mean always everything as I faced a strong UNRATED player Kröner S.-H., while his 8yr old son played on 8th board. The fragment from our game shows a very big truth that in every game there are many (missed) oppor­tu­nities for advantage or equalizingwe just have to be on alert to recognize them.

Unraveling in Italian game/Two Knights Defense led to Bishop up for BLACK but WHITE seeks his chance to win Bishop back with pair of advancing pawns.
However, with impulsive and „logical“ 20.Kxb2, allowing BLACK to get Queen out of pin with a tempo, WHITE misses the chance.
With BLACK leaving Bishop en prise WHITE was equal again. But the pendulum moves to extreme once more as due to WHITE’s „greed“ for pawns BLACK finds a shortcut to draw with a perpetual check.


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